Wild Activities
5 Ways Nature Nurtures Empathy in Children
Nourishing a child's sense of empathy and emotional intelligence is one of the most important things we can do as a p...
The Life Changing Magic of Making a Mess
When we reflect back on our lives, most of us find that our most powerful, life-altering moments aren't scripted. The...
5 Mistakes I Made When I Started Wild Foraging With the Kids
I took my first foraging (also known as wildcrafting) class ten years ago, and have been tumbling down the rabbit hol...
One Parenting Regret I Will Never Have
I'm not the perfect parent. Looking back, there will be things I'll wish I had done differently, moments I can never ...
How to Create an EPIC Wildflower Meadow the Kids Will Love
Every winter The Wild Man and I sit down and plan for the upcoming farm season. After going over the essentials, we t...
Chronicle Spring With a Family Art Wall!
I know better than to say Spring is here in Michigan, but it's definitely waking up. Right now our maple sap is boili...
No Biology Degree Required: Why YOU Are the Perfect Naturalist for Your Kids
Confession, sometimes I get struck with a bout of imposter syndrome. The truth is, science was never my strong point....
Choosing One Word for 2017
It has been three years since we made our big move to Michigan, and 2016 was really a settling in year for us. Nothin...
30 Nature-Inspired Gifts Kids Can Make
In order to release some of the pressure and expectations around the holidays, we try our best to hand make the major...
Our Wildschooling Adventure Begins!
The Wild Child is four years old, a time when most kids are enrolled in preschool or thinking about their education o...
Join us For Poetry Treetime!
Poetry and creative writing hold a special place in my heart. I've written since I was young, and my Masters thesis w...
How to Start a Wonder Journal
One of the constants in my life right now are my three and a half year old's questions. From the moment we wake up un...