Collect Your Materials

Make Your Ornaments
I collected all of my ingredients the week before, so I wasn't scrambling at the last second. Here are each of the decorations we made with a link to instructions:Peanut Butter Pinecones My tweaks: I used Organic peanut butter for this (I know, I know but that's how I roll!).
Birdseed Orange Feeders My tweaks: We made these the day before and threw them in the refrigerator.

Birdseed Ornaments My tips: Here are the ornament forms I use. I replaced the corn syrup with honey in this recipe. I've read different views on using honey and gelatin to feed birds. It is incredibly cold here in Michigan, so I have less fear of mold and melting. Also, I use Great Lakes Grass Fed Beef Gelatin. However, if you are nervous about this one just leave it off the list. Or, you can make suet ornaments.

Dehydrated Fruit My tips: Skip the last step where the varnish is applied
Popcorn and Cranberry Garlands These are are quite a pain if the kernels are small, and it's not something you want to do with tiny little hands around. But when we switched to an all cranberry garland things got a lot easier.
It's best not to use fishing line to hang any of these because birds can get tangled in them.
Read The Night Tree by Eve Bunting
This is one of my favorite childhood books, and I couldn't believe how well it fit with this activity.
Decorate Your Tree
And now comes the best part - mix up some healthy hot chocolate and get out there! Start with the garland first and then move on to the rest. Don't worry too much about how perfectly the ornaments are hanging. Cora couldn't reach that high, but we just moved a few up before we left.
Create a Closer Observation Point
The only bummer part about our tree was that we couldn't see it from our house. It's great for the animals because they can eat it peace, but we still wanted to see some wildlife eating our ornaments. So we found a branch and stuck it in a pot just outside our sliding glass doors. Then we took a third of the ornaments from the original tree and hung them here. It's the best of both worlds, and it is a great option for those who don't have many trees in their yard. I would love to hear how this works out for you and hear about some of your own family traditions!
Your Woman Gone Wild,

We aligned ours with Tree Dressing Day! I just started doing that this year, so haven’t updated the blog post. Here is a link to the Tree Dressing website. Also, I think the solstice would be a brilliant day to do it on too. I love how you’re making up your own tradition – that’s what makes it special.
Is there any significance to the date that you do this? We cut down a cedar tree for Christmas every year and when we are ready to put it back outside, that is when we decorate it for the animals and read The Night Tree.
I did this with a group of kids back in 2012. Love that story.