Tuning into the seasonal and lunar phases has been nothing short of transformative for my family and community. I'm thrilled to give you the redesigned poster for 2023 - now with all the lunar phases for the year!
The poster features the 13 (yes 13! There is a Blue Moon this upcoming year) names and dates of the full moons for 2023. Naming the moons is a tradition celebrated across the world often tied to natural occurrences that emerged in each biome. The names on the poster first appeared in the Maine Farmers' Almanac in the 1930s and are rooted in colloquial Celtic, Native American, colonial and other ancestral traditions. It's important to note that Native tribes are not monoliths. To find out accurate historical information, connect with your local First Nations organizations.
The Full Moon Printable acts as the guide for the Kids Moon Club - the doors open for the 2023 Journey on December 1st and will close for the year shortly after! If you are interested in aligning more closely with the rhythm of the moon, celebrating the full moon rising and connecting more closely with your family and community, get on the waitlist for the Kids Moon Club.
2023 FULL MOONS PRINTABLE (8.5 x 11)

Fill out the form below to get your FREE copy!
There are two ways to celebrate this lunar journey with the Wilder Child community:
The Kids Moon Club
Join me for a year-long journey spent celebrating and aligning your family with the moon! Please find out more and get on the waitlist for The Kids Moon Club!
Head over to Wildschooling, the free private Wilder Child Facebook Group focused on supporting nature-bonded homeschoolers to share this wild trip with us!
To the Moon and Back,
How do I get the lunar moon poster? I did the email step.