After all the work, I'm so thrilled to say that my Nature Play poster is done! My goal was to create a piece of art that celebrates, encourages and visualizes all the life-altering benefits that nature play brings into the lives of children everywhere. I made this for all the educators, parents, caregivers, naturalists and play advocates - for everyone out there who is passionate about nurturing a child's innate connection to the wild.
Want the larger, printed poster right now? Buy the 16 x 20" version printed on beautiful premium luster paper. It is the perfect size for classrooms and educational spaces! Have questions? Email Nature Play Poster
If you do print or purchase the poster, I would love to see a picture of you with it outside (or wherever it finds a home)! Head over to the Wilder Child Facebook and post it to my page, or use #natureplay on Instagram or FB.
Your Woman Gone Wild,


Thank you so much Nicolette! I am so excited to have won the poster, it will take pride of place in our playroom, reminding us of exactly why we let our kids feel connected to nature. We were lucky to grow up in beautiful natural surroundings, free to grow as individuals and we now want the same for our daughters. It’s a beautiful reminder of how easy it is to let our children learn life’s important lessons in the most natural way.
Loving this poster – so cute and relevant.
I love this! I work in a Nature Preschool and I’d love to see this poster in our hallway, greeting our families every day. Thanks for a simple, but eloquent, design!