Half the fun is participating together as a global community. To connect, tag your posts with #outdooradvent, or better yet head on over to Wilder Child's free private Facebook community of over 25,000 nature-loving families living on the wilder side. I'll be sharing the advent prompts daily alongside some of my favorite resources for each.HOW IT WORKS
1. Prepare the Calendar Print out Printable 1 and Printable two using the links below (be sure to choose "fit to page" when printing). Try not to peak at the activities, it's so much more fun that way :)
Printable 1 | Printable 2
- On the page with the red stars, cut around three sides of each star, creating a square flap that you'll be able to lift up every day.
- Put the page with the red stars on top of the page that has the green stars on it.
- Make sure the stars on the top page are lined up exactly with the stars on the page underneath. You should be able to lift a flap on the top page and see the activity underneath.
- Hang it on the refrigerator or some place the kids will notice daily.
2. Read the Activity At the beginning of each day, lift up the flap to reveal that day's activity underneath!
3. Head OutsideTime to go out and do the simple advent activity for that day. Don't worry if it is not exactly what's on the star for that day. If the moment naturally lends itself to something else, go ahead and follow those rhythms. The point is to get out there, have fun, connect and play!
And again, life happens. If you can't make it outside that day, try not to stress and just start again when you can.
I can't wait!
PS. Also, if you want to try something else for your family, check out the Choose Your Own Adventure Challenge from Mountain Moms and Tots!
Your Woman Gone Wild,